Roman Shabrov, partner of BRACE Law Firm, participated in the Third International business forum BLEU – EAEU. This forum was organized by the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of commerce in Russia and took place on November 15, 2017 in the Congress center of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in Moscow.
Welcome speeches were made by Oleg Prozorov – Director General, Member of the Board of the Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia; Arkady Arianoff - Chairman of the Board of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia; Andrei Nikitin – H.E. Governor of Novgorod Region; Jean-Arthur Regibeau – H.E. Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Russia; Gilles Bauer – Deputy Head of Luxembourg Diplomatic Missions to Russia, Consul; Sergey Shukhno - Director of the Development Department of the Integration of the Eurasian Economic Commission; Arnaud de Busschere – First Vice President (Belgium) of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia and other speakers.
The forum was devoted to questions of economic integration between BLEU (Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union) and EEU, to increase in the foreign companies in the territory of EEU, increase in economic indicators at cooperation, a possibility of use of financial technologies in development of financially stable enterprises.
The forum included two panel discussions. The first of discussions was devoted to factors of economic growth, namely: to creation of infrastructure for growth, to expansion of number of the foreign companies and possible forms of economic cooperation, and the second – trade technologically to BLES potential: to entry into the market of the EU for the Russian companies, to questions of attraction of investments into projects and forms of strategic partnership.
Partners of the Forum were such the company and associations as: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, LUKOIL, RUSSEZ, PURATOS, Grand Laitier.