
Legal support and business management in the energy sector

Energy and Natural Resources

The electric power industry is a branch of the Russian economy that includes a set of economic relations arising in the process of production (including production in the mode of combined generation of electric and thermal energy), transmission of electric energy, operational dispatch control in the electric power industry, sale and consumption of electric energy using production and other property objects (including those included in the Unified Energy System of Russia), owned or otherwise provided for by federal laws by subjects of the electric power industry or other persons. At the same time, the electric power industry is the basis for the functioning of the economy and life support.

The technological basis for the functioning of the electric power industry is the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid, territorial distribution networks through which electric energy is transmitted, and the unified system of operational dispatch control. In this case, the economic basis for the functioning of the electric power industry is the system of relations associated with the production and circulation of electric energy and capacity in the wholesale and retail markets, conditioned by the technological features of the functioning of electric power facilities.

The reliability of the electric power system is ensured through the fulfillment by each subject of the electric power industry and each consumer of electric energy in the process of carrying out their activities of the requirements established by this Federal Law, regulatory legal acts of the Government of Russia and federal executive bodies authorized by it.

Electric power industry entities and consumers of electric power, whose electric power facilities and (or) power-receiving installations operate or will operate as part of the electric power system, are obliged to ensure that the technical characteristics and operating parameters of the electric power facilities and power-receiving installations, their equipment and devices, owned or otherwise legally owned by them, comply with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Government of Russia and federal executive bodies authorized by it, ensuring that the parameters of the electric power operating mode of the electric power system are within the permissible values, the reliability and stability of the electric power system and the quality of electric power, and maintain the compliance of the specified technical characteristics and parameters with these requirements during the operation of electric power facilities and (or) power-receiving installations.

Energy law

Considering the specifics of law in the energy sector and a large number of regulatory documents governing this industry, for full interaction with energy service providers, energy consumers engage qualified lawyers in this area of ​​law who have the necessary knowledge and experience, and are versed in thermal power engineering and electric power engineering.

Such interaction allows to eliminate unfavorable consequences associated with the energy consumer's ignorance of regulatory documents in this area of law, to reduce possible risks that can significantly increase energy costs, and to minimize the unfavorable impact on the energy consumer associated with ignorance of legal norms in the energy sector, the tariff formation system, energy payments, etc.

Legal services in the electric power industry

Legal services in the electric power industry are provided both to energy consumers and directly to energy and sales companies. Legal services in the electric power industry are provided in the following areas of activity:

  1. collection and preparation of documents for connection to energy networks;
  2. technological connection to power grids;
  3. examination of contracts in the energy sector, including those concluded with electric grid companies for the maintenance and supply of equipment, meters;
  4. assistance in choosing a tariff in the energy sector;
  5. assistance in legally reducing the amount of payment for energy consumption, including challenging and cancellation of debt;
  6. organizing work to restore lost documents for technological connection;
  7. challenging illegal disconnection from electricity;
  8. preparation of documents and representation of interests when applying to antimonopoly and judicial authorities;
  9. appealing against unmetered or non-contractual energy consumption;
  10. legal representation in various government bodies and judicial bodies on energy supply issues, etc.

It is important to note that an integrated approach to legal support for organizations on energy issues can significantly reduce the time in the event of conflict or controversial issues when interacting with energy supply organizations.

Legal advice on energy supply issues

The diversity of legislation in the field of energy supply often leads to misunderstandings between energy supply organizations and energy consumers. As a rule, the resolution of such an issue lies in the legal field and often ends in litigation.

However, it is important to note that engaging a competent specialist in energy law can minimize misunderstandings when interacting with energy companies. The scope of legal advice on energy supply issues usually includes:

  1. development of a strategy and coordination of terms of interaction with energy companies;
  2. explanation to the consumer of the terms of receiving energy, its payment, connection;
  3. assistance in concluding an energy supply agreement, explanation of all important points and clauses of such an agreement;
  4. identification of important points for the consumer, which may lead to misunderstandings and controversial aspects when interacting with energy companies, etc.

With a comprehensive legal approach when interacting with energy companies, the risk of over-payments, illegal disconnection of the subscriber, accrual of penalties by the energy company is reduced, dispute resolution is simplified, etc.

Legal services

  1. Legal advice on energy issues
  2. Assistance in interaction with energy companies at the stage of connection, conclusion of an agreement and energy consumption
  3. Representation of interests in the event of controversial situations
  4. Appealing decisions of the energy company in relation to the subscriber on issues of payment, penalties, connection, disconnection, etc.
  5. Preparation of necessary documents when interacting with energy companies

How do we work?

You send us a request to
or call on +7 (499) 755-56-50
Preliminary analysis and
initial consultation
Conclusion of legal services agreement
Project work
On each stage we inform you about results
We provide the result and prepared documents

Send us a request with a detailed description of the issue.

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+ 7 (499) 755-56-50

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