Legal Support of Technology Transfer Deals in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Legal services (legal assistance) in support of technology transfer transactions in healthcare and pharmaceuticals

Legal support of technology transfer deals in healthcare and pharmaceuticals is an important area of practice for BRACE Law Firm.
Healthcare and pharmaceuticals are key areas of industry specialization for lawyers at BRACE Law Firm, in which we provide legal services to manufacturers and distributors of medicines, medical devices, dietary supplements, and other healthcare organizations on issues of Russian and international law.
Technology transfer deals in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
Technology transfer is the transfer of technology and production methods, scientific developments and research, knowledge in one or another field.
Technology transfer transactions between Russian and foreign pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers and medical organizations occupy a special place in the international economic cooperation of the Russian Federation.
For example, when transferring technology from one pharmaceutical company to another, it is possible to transfer fully or partially (about individual production cycles) data on methods and methods of drug production. Typically, the direct transmission of an idea is done through a license agreement. However, it is also possible to simultaneously invest in production activities in the territory of another state (localization of production) or invest in staff training.
Thus, technology transfer transactions are very different in type and require consideration not only of the requirements of Russian legislation but also of international standards, as well as (in transactions with a foreign element) the determination of the law applicable to the legal relations of the parties.
When providing transaction support services for technology transfer in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, lawyers need not only the skills to prepare high-quality supporting documents (contracts, agreements, etc.), but also the ability to provide the parties to the transaction with transparency in the implementation of all processes with a detailed presentation of the need for each participant to understand the commission of certain actions and the possibility of legal risks.
Legal services
- Legal advice on issues arising in the process of planning implementation or direct implementation of technology transfer in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
- Legal support of technology transfer deals in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
- Legal support for participants in technology transfer deals in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
- Development and legal examination of contracts, agreements and other documents necessary for the implementation of technology transfer in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
- Preparation of legal opinions regarding issues arising from participants in technology transfer deals in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
- Representation of interests in negotiations with counterparties on technology transfer transactions in healthcare and pharmaceuticals