Commercial Litigation
Legal services in commercial disputes in Russia

Commercial disputes are commonly understood as disputes between persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
The main legal act regulating relations between two business entities is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
In most cases, disputes in this category are based on contractual relations between equal economic entities or damage caused by one business entity to another entity. Despite this, the correctness and fair approach in resolving such disputes is an important factor in maintaining the economic stability of the state.
Types of commercial disputes
- Collection of debts and/or penalties under contracts
- Disputes related to mutual settlements of the parties under contracts and / or with the procedure for executing contracts
- Disputes related to the quality of work performed, services rendered or goods delivered under contracts
- Disputes regarding the definition of the rights of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs to a particular property
- Compensation for damage to one business entity caused by another participant in economic legal relations
- Disputes related to the acquisition or alienation of property
- Other commercial disputes
Legal proceedings in commercial disputes
Within the framework of this category of disputes, compliance with the claim procedure for resolving the dispute is mandatory for subsequent recourse to the court.
As a general rule, commercial (economic) disputes are subject to arbitration.
As part of the settlement of a dispute, it is important to take into account the real intentions of the parties, their good faith, as well as correctly predict the behavior of each of the parties in order to develop the most optimal option for building a line of defense.