Сommercial Law

Legal support and legal services for Russian and foreign companies on various issues of commercial activity and business management

Legal support of commercial activities

BRACE provides services for legal support of commercial activities of companies with various forms and scales of business, ranging from small and medium businesses to large holding structures.

To solve the tasks set in the process of conducting business activities, it is necessary to know the legislative norms in the field of business law, which is in contact with civil, administrative, antitrust, international law and other branches of law. But most importantly, knowledge and expertise are needed in the field of legal regulation governing the direction in which the business is directly conducted.

Carrying out commercial activities without taking into account regulatory changes, relevant laws (as well as with an incorrect interpretation of legal norms) almost always leads to unexpected problems and losses, often serious. A reasonable solution in this situation is legal support from competent specialists, which will save your company from possible problems when doing business or minimize the risks of their occurrence.

In the process of providing legal support services, our specialists take into account the specifics of the client's business, based on the main goal of entrepreneurial activity - to extract maximum profit with a minimum of possible losses. This approach allows us not only to support the client's commercial activities, but also helps to establish interaction with regulatory authorities. We also take into account the risks of not only financial and material, but also other losses (for example, reputation and time) and try to protect the client from them.

Legal support can be carried out in the following formats at the client’s choice:

  1. outsourcing of the legal function with a monthly subscription fee;
  2. periodic involvement of specialists on an hourly or fixed fee basis;
  3. involvement of lawyers to solve individual problems with payment for the result.

Our specialists have extensive practical experience in supporting the commercial activities of organizations, allowing us to effectively provide services regardless of the scope of business and the complexity of the tasks. We provide services to companies that do not have a lawyer on staff, and we also assist the company's legal departments in solving problems that are not their core business.

Our experience

  1. Development of a commercial policy for a major pharmaceutical manufacturer, containing criteria for selecting distributors when concluding contracts, checking them and making decisions on concluding contracts
  2. Harmonization of commercial policy with the company's international policy and FCPA requirements
  3. Development of templates for supply contracts for a foreign distributor of pharmaceutical substances and excipients with detailed regulation of the process of settling claims on quality, completeness and quantity, the procedure for settling disputes
  4. Comprehensive legal protection of confidential information of a Russian IT company with the development of a policy for processing confidential information with the preparation of all necessary local acts, confidentiality clauses for labor and civil contracts and control over their implementation
  5. Development of an anti-corruption policy for a large Russian developer aimed at minimizing corruption risks and building an anti-corruption compliance system
  6. Comprehensive legal support for the promotion of a line of Rx drugs of a large international pharmaceutical company from “Big Pharma” on the Russian pharmaceutical market
  7. Comprehensive legal analysis of the processing of personal data of a large online store collecting information on the site, development of a set of documents to minimize legal risks and bring it into compliance with current legislation on the processing of personal data.
  8. Comprehensive legal analysis of the processing of personal data of a large online store collecting information on the site, development of a set of documents to minimize legal risks and bring them into compliance with current legislation on the processing of personal data.

Legal services

  1. Development and legal examination of contracts, participation in the negotiation process when concluding, amending and terminating contracts
  2. Development of documents to protect confidential information, compliance with legislation regarding the circulation of various information
  3. Development of documents aimed at compliance with anti-corruption legislation
  4. Legal support for the activities of foreign companies and in Russia
  5. Development and bringing internal policies and other local acts into compliance with legislation
  6. Legal support for online trade
  7. Development and analysis of documentation regulating the promotion of goods, conducting marketing campaigns
  8. Legal support in the field of personal data protection
  9. Other issues of commercial activities of organizations

Send us a request with a detailed description of the issue.

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+7 (495) 147-11-03

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