Legal Support for Development Projects

Legal support for development projects

One of the areas of work of the BRACE Law Firm is the legal support for the implementation of development projects. Development refers to the entrepreneurial activity associated with the creation of a real estate object, the reconstruction or modification of an existing building or land plot, leading to an increase in their value. Long-term practical experience in the field of investment and construction allows our specialists to carry out full legal support of such projects.

The main objective of legal support for the development project is to minimize the risks that may arise in the process of its implementation. There are always risks, independently identify and protect oneself from which the project participants will not be able to. Among them, risks associated with:

  1. the land plot allocated for the project (the plot is not formed, the allocation of the plot is accompanied by a dispute about its boundaries, the legal regime does not allow the project to be realized due to the impossibility of changing the type of permitted use of land, etc.);
  2. encumbrances of the land plot allocated for the project (there is another facility on the site, the presence of which makes it difficult to implement the project, leads to its appreciation or even makes it impossible);
  3. the rights to a land plot or real estate object (the right to a land plot where the project is intended to be realized, the ownership right to the object being sold, the legal dispute about rights, the need for re-registration of rights, etc.) is not formalized;
  4. requirements of third parties entitled to a limited use of the object or land plot;
  5. participants in the project (inadequate registration of the legal status and procedure for interaction between the participants, duration of approval and conclusion of contracts and agreements with large holding structures, conflicts between the management and the owners of the participant complicating the project implementation, the emergence of confrontation between the participants themselves in the project implementation process, etc.).

Thus, at all stages of the implementation of the development project, the assistance of qualified lawyers is required. With the legal support of development projects, the specialists of the BRACE Law Firm conduct a comprehensive legal analysis of the rights to real estate objects, the order of their operation and management, schemes and methods of participation in the project, which allows to identify and minimize the client's risks.

Legal services

As part of legal support for development projects, we provide the following services:

  1. legal support for registration of relations between the participants of the investment project;
  2. legal analysis of investment documentation;
  3. support for transactions on registration of rights to land plots for construction and real estate;
  4. participation in negotiations with the owners of neighboring sites for the purpose of establishing easements;
  5. consulting on the issues of registration of contractual relations with the general contractor;
  6. advising on the involvement of design and engineering organizations and formalizing contractual relations with them;
  7. advising on obtaining the necessary approvals in the government and municipal services;
  8. legal support of tenders for concluding contracts for construction, design and other works;
  9. legal support at the stage of delivery of facilities after completion of construction;
  10. consulting and legal support in the event of controversial situations in the implementation of the development project, including judicial protection of the interests of the client.

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