Сonstruction: Legal Support

Legal services and comprehensive legal support for construction companies, customers-developers, contractors (subcontractors), developers, designers, engineering companies, and suppliers of building materials.


BRACE Law Firm provides services to legal entities operating in the construction industry: customers, developers, contractors (subcontractors), investors, as well as design, engineering organizations, and suppliers of building materials.

Construction is one of the most difficult areas of entrepreneurial activity due to the need to obtain numerous approvals and permits, without which the implementation of the project is illegal. This requires not only the ability to quickly navigate the current legislative norms in the field of construction but also a thorough knowledge of the established procedures and stages of obtaining permits. In a legal sense, the complexity of construction as an industry lies in the fact that the process of implementing a construction project is regulated by norms from different branches of law (land, urban planning, civil, environmental, administrative, and others).

The amount of financial investment in construction is always significant, and errors in the legal aspect can lead to significant losses and protracted litigation. Therefore, construction activities always require qualified legal support.

The help of lawyers with comprehensive knowledge and practical positive experience in the implementation of construction projects will increase the degree of project efficiency and reduce the risk of financial losses and litigation. We provide legal services both for the full support of construction projects and advise on specific issues.

Legal support for construction companies

The activities of all construction companies are accompanied by the commission of any legally significant actions. Any stage of construction, from design to the commissioning of an object, requires the preparation of contracts with contractors (customers, subcontractors, carriers, etc.) and documents for interaction with the authorities, providing the necessary approvals and permits, as well as conducting inspections.

For example, at the design stage, it is necessary to work out the procedure for acquiring a land plot for development, carry out engineering surveys, conclude agreements with designers of various sections of design documentation.

The immediate stage of construction includes obtaining a construction permit, attracting contractors and/or subcontractors to participate in the project, monitoring compliance with the sequence, timing, and quality of work performed, taking measures to ensure the safety of workers following safety requirements, etc.

The stage of putting the facility into operation includes carrying out work on the completion of construction, collecting the necessary documentation for the authorized authorities to check the operability of the capital construction facility (including utilities, etc.).

At all these stages, controversial situations may arise with the need to resolve them through negotiations or in court. At the same time, disputes may relate to both the order of execution of contracts, appeal against illegal bringing to administrative responsibility, appeal against other actions (inaction) of the authorities.

In practice, construction companies that do not have a full-time lawyer, contracts and other documents are developed independently, a very significant number of omissions are allowed due to the lack of special knowledge and experience in the field of law. This entails many problematic situations when defending a position in the framework of litigation, as well as in everyday activities in connection with violation of the requirements of the current legislation and prosecution.

Thus, at all stages of a construction company, the support of its activities by experienced construction lawyers makes it possible to significantly reduce legal claims that entail possible losses.

Our experience

    1. Comprehensive legal support for participation in public procurement of a Russian developer in the field of industrial construction
    2. Legal examination of title documents for land plots, as well as other real estate in the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a plant for pharmaceutical production
    3. Legal analysis of a set of permits for its compliance with legislation
    4. Representing the interests of a Russian construction company in a dispute over the refusal to accept a commissioned construction project due to its non-compliance with the requirements of the terms of reference
    5. The dispute was settled at the pre-trial stage
    6. Comprehensive support of a Turkish construction company in the Russian market, including the preparation of all necessary contracts for interaction with contractors

Legal services

  1. Drafting contracts related to construction
  2. Drafting documents, legal examination of documents aimed at holding tenders for the implementation of design work, as well as construction work
  3. Legal support in the preparation of project documentation
  4. Legal check of investment contracts in construction
  5. Legal examination of title documents for land plots, as well as another real estate for construction and other works
  6. Legal support for registration of ownership of land plots for construction work
  7. Legal verification of documents upon completion of construction and acceptance of its results
  8. Legal check of construction permits for compliance with legislation
  9. Legal support for registration/preparation of permits
  10. Legal support / legal expertise in the registration of rights to created/reconstructed real estate as a result of the implementation of an investment project
  11. Representing the interests of construction companies to resolve disputes and conflict situations, including judicial, as well as administrative disputes
  12. Legal support in bringing to responsibility for violation of legislation governing construction and investment in construction
  13. Other legal assistance in the field of construction

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+7 (495) 147-11-03

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