Publications and media comments
Articles, comments, and also other analytical materials of lawyers of BRACE law firm are published in the leading Russian and foreign legal and other periodicals, such, for example, as the Russian business newspaper, «Economics and life newspaper», magazines "The law", "Arbitration practice", "Economics and law", "Corporate lawyer", " Legislation and economics ", "Attorney", «Pharmaceutical messenger», the Remedium, Pharmaceutical business:
• R. Shabrov, A. Shadrin, A. Panov. Legal obstacles for functioning of Internet drugstores//the Pharmaceutical messenger", 2014, No. 16.
• R. Shabrov, A. Shadrin. Return of medicines//Pharmaceutical messenger, 2014, No. 13.
• Shabrov R. V., N. Yu Lushch. Legal aspects of production of radio pharmaceutical medicines in the medical organizations [An electronic resource]. Date of updating: 21.09.2014. Access from system the GUARANTOR//EPS "System GUARANTOR": GARANT-Infarm/NPP GARANT-SERVIS-UNIVERSITET. Version of 04.10.2014.
• R. Shabrov, A. Shadrin Expiration date: legal aspect//Pharmaceutical messenger, 2014, No. 9.
• R. V. Shabrov, S. V. Kurochkin. Legal regulation of advertizing of dietary supplements. Pharmaceutical business. November, 2013.
• R. V. Shabrov, A.D. Shadrin Law "About the Address of Medicines": the overview and the analysis of changes//"Remedy allowance" No. 12 for 2013.
• R. V. Shabrov, A.D. Shadrin. Interchangeability of medicinal means / Guarantor/.
• R. V. Shabrov, M. A. Tsutsiyev. Procurements: game by new rules. "Remedy allowance"//No. 1-2 for 2014.
• Shabrov R. V. Investing activities in the field of development of the woods//the Law, 2008. No. 5. C. 181 — 191.
• Shabrov R. V. Legal status of the travel agent//Corporate lawyer, 2009. No. 1. C. 32 — 39.
• Shabrov R. V. Objekt of the concessionary agreement//Legislation and economy, 2009. No. 4
• Shabrov R. V. Investment into the economic societies having a strategic importance for ensuring defense of the country and safety of the state//the Legislation and economy. 2009. No. 7. Page 9-22.
• Shabrov R. V. Information support of attraction of foreign investments in the Russian Federation//the Right and economy. 2010. No. 7. Page 43-49.
• Shabrov R. V. Threat of a homeland security as basis of restriction of the admission of foreign investments with Committee on foreign investments of the USA (CFIUS)//Lawyer. 2010. No. 11.
• Roman Shabrov. Didn't find the heir//the Russian Business newspaper – the New legislation No. 814 (32). 13.09.2011.
• Shabrov R. V., Pavlova O. A. The correct formulation of a condition about a commodity penalty will exclude risk of recognition its invalid//Arbitral practice, January, 2012, No. 1.
• Shabrov R. V. Zakrutyat clamps//Russian Business newspaper. No. 832 (3). To court by the intellectual rights – to be!//Law. No. 4. April, 2012.
• Shabrov R. V. Sale of a share in the authorized capital of open company//Ekonomika I Zhizn newspaper, No. 04 (9420).
• Shabrov. P.B., Silkin V. V. The address of collection on a share in open company: stability of structure of participants or guarantee of the rights of creditors?//"Your partner consultant" No. 13 (9429) for 2012.
• Shabrov R. V., Silkin V. V. Osnovaniye of responsibility of the persons controlling the debtor in cases of bankruptcy: delict or quasidelict?//Legal Insight magazine. No. 3 (9). April, 2012.
• Shabrov R. V., Vaneev A.S. Search of the debtor and his property within executive production: innovations and antiquity//Law. No. 4. April, 2012.
• Shabrov R., Davydenko D. Looking for easy ways//Russian business newspaper. On April 17, 2012 No. 15 (844).