Preparation of a cassation complaint and legal representation in cassation.

Proceedings in the court of cassation are intended to correct significant violations of the norms of substantive law or norms of procedural law committed by the courts in the course of the previous proceedings of the case and influenced the outcome of the case, and without the elimination of which it is impossible to restore and protect the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, as well as protected the law of public interest.
The persons participating in the case and other persons have the right to cassation appeal against court decisions if their rights and legitimate interests are violated by court decisions. The term for filing a cassation complaint is 6 months from the date of entry into force of court decisions.
The following persons have the right to file a cassation appeal:
- persons taking part in the case: defendant, plaintiff, their authorized representatives, etc.;
- third parties whose rights and legitimate interests were significantly affected by the decision of the court of first instance or appeal.
- Legal analysis of documents and other evidence submitted by the client in a dispute in a court of cassation
- Preparation and filing of a cassation complaint
- Representation of interests in cassation
- Other legal assistance in cases in the courts of cassation
In the cassation appeal, you can make a request for a new decision or for sending the case for a new consideration. Despite the fact that the Court of Cassation is not actually bound by the arguments of the petition, the judges are unlikely to go beyond the stated requirements. Therefore, the most optimal solution is to ask for the return of the case for a new trial.